This Opal Brooch was in the same box as the Rose Brooch below, what a little gold mine that box is !!!
I have included the Red Velvet Paper with the Brooch, plus I am giving you a surprise gift in this download as well, I do hope you like it !!
Enjoy and Happy Scrapping !!!
Download HERE
I have found some broken links to my Freebies !!
Those that I have found have been repaired, but please people, if you try to download anything that I have put up as a Freebie and can't get it PLEASE let me know so that I can repair it for you, all my Freebies are available indefinitely from the day I started posting to this blog, so there should be nothing that you can't download at any time at all.
Monday, 31 March 2008
Opal Brooch + Paper - Freebie
Mystical Papers 4 - Freebie
These Mystical Papers (as does Mystical 3 below) only have eight papers in the preview, but there are 10 papers in total in the pack.
Download HERE
Green Velvet Paper - Freebie
Please accept my apologies people !!!
When I put the rose up for you I mistakenly used the wrong Green Velvet Paper, the one I used was rubbish !!! here is the correct one and I am so sorry for any inconvenience !!!
Please forgive me !!!
Download HERE
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Red Rose Brooch + Paper - Freebie
This is another inherited item that I found laying around the house, it makes my house sound quite messy doesn't it? but really I have a lot of things packed away in drawers and boxes that I haven't looked at in years, they are sentimental belongings that will never be thrown away (in my lifetime anyway !!) but are not something you would use everyday, so they innocently sit in their hiding places until I stumble across them. That is till I started Digital Scrapbooking !! now they are coming out of the nooks and crannies everywhere, to find a new life on my scanner bed !! LOL
Download HERE
Mystical Papers 3 - Freebie
Download HERE
Below are Jessica's LO using these papers, you can see she has used them extremely well, I can't believe how well the papers go with her photographs. You can check out Jessica's blog HERE
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Medallions - Freebie
These two items used to hang on my walls, then when we redecorated, they didn't really go with the decor any more. In my hunt for things to scrapbook I found them again, and thought you might like them as much as I do !
The medallions should be hung together with chain, but I had to remove the chain to scan them, I did not include the chain because there are better chains on the net than the ones I have, sorry !! you'll have to hunt for some, but Obsidian Dawn does have some nice chain brushes HERE
Download HERE
Urn - Freebie !!
This is the surprise I was talking about last night. I had an idea, and once I started working on it, even I was surprised, I think it turned out just amazing.
There are two papers, one plain the other decorated, two urns (I have since found out they are not urns but Ginger jars) one with a Laurel Tree in it the other with a Standardised Rose bush in it, and a (Ginger jar) with it's lid on.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them.
Download HERE
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Moon Phases Paper - Freebie
Some very pretty papers for you tonight, Pastels for Baby LO's, Moon Phases just for the look of them, and Grunged Butterfly for a photo of a butterfly I had, but wanted to see what I could do with special effects, this is the result !!
Be sure to check back tomorrow, I am working on something really special for you, it will be completed by this time tomorrow evening (my time !)
Download HERE
Rotation Papers - Freebie
I do hope you don't have trouble with these downloads, I have had to re-load them due to my own stupidity in they way I loaded them initally, if anyone has any problems please e-mail me and I will see what I can do to fix your problems !!
Download HERE
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Stripe Papers - Freebie
I love a stripe paper for a contrast or a photo mat, which is what prompted me to make these, they are great for cutting out shapes as well, you are only limited by your imagination !!
Download HERE
Seas Paper - Freebie
These papers just so remind me of the different moods of the sea, what do you think ? !! They would be goods for fishing layouts, or cruise layouts, or anything that you see (sic) fit actually !!
Download HERE
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Wedgewood Plate - Freebie
I found this plate today in the bottom of my Blanket Box, I thought "Gee ! if I scan that, it will make a great element", so, lo and behold !!
Download HERE
Easter Papers - Freebie
I hope these papers have turned out a bit different from the "norm", and it goes without saying that I hope you agree with me !!
Download HERE
Anneli at Attic Treasures has been working so hard to make some lovely Freebies for you, so why not pop over and at least have a look !!
I'll even make it easy for you ! just click HERE and away you go, Happy Scrapping !!
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Thomas Papers - Freebie
The long awaited Thomas the Tank Engine Papers, they took a bit of time, but I am pleased with the results.
I would like to give a special mention to Barb Derksen (Mrs Miles) at for the use of her "Flake Overlay", please visit Barb's blog as she has some wonderful freebies.
Download HERE
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Vintage Frame 4 - Freebie
I found this frame laying around the house, I do hope you like it !!
Anyone having trouble downloading this frame please try again !! I have updated the link at 4Shared although I think that the problem was just 4Shared and not my upload. I have tested this link and it seems to be working OK now.
Download HERE
TMNT Paper 2 - Freebie
Part 2 of TMNT as promised
Happy Scrapping folks !!
Download HERE
Saturday, 15 March 2008
TMNT Paper 1 - Freebie
And finally I finished the TMNT Papers, this is set 1 and set 2 will be tomorrow !!
I was at a loss for the backgrounds of these papers and my daughter suggested Sewers !! I thought she was mad, but then, one of my regular visitors "BREEOXD" suggested the same thing plus "BREEOXD" also suggested the brick walls, so here you are and I am really happy with the results, thanks girls for the suggestions !!
Download HERE
Vintage Frames 3 - Freebie
At long last here is the final in the Vintage Frames Series.
Download HERE
Friday, 14 March 2008
What ? ? !!! Still No Freebies !!!!
UPDATE : 10/10/08
The pictured Freebies are no longer available on this blog, but she does have plenty of other Disney available, so it is still worth having a look !!
Yep !! I have been working on making myself a Blinkie, testing changes for the look of my blog, and trying to get inspiration for these Turtles, I have the Turtles ready to go, but just can not think of a suitable background for them, so I thought if I forgot about them for a bit, maybe an idea will just pop into my head. In the meantime, I have discovered another blog that is doing Disney, so please pop on over HERE and have a look at her work, it is very bright, but lovely !!
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Attic Treasures
While you are waiting for me to complete my Turtles and Thomas, may I suggest you visit my friend over at Attic Treasures ? look at these fantastic tiles, I feel as if I could just reach out and touch them, they are so real !! The running papers make you want to get up and run don't they ? !!
Click on the picture to enlarge the view so that you can see the fine details.
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
What ? ! No Freebies !
That's right ! no freebies today ! but there will be soon, I am working on TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) as requested and I thought some Thomas the Tank Engine wouldn't go astray either ! So, when they are done you will be the first to know about it !
In the meantime, keep being happy and digiscrappy !!
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Tweety Pie Elements - Freebie
This is my first attempt at Disney Elements, they are not really my thing, so I apologise in advance if you feel that they are not up to scratch, however, I like them !!
Credit to the following people for the use of their "BITS" in the making of these elements :
Vee for the chain that I strung the pearls on
Hawksmont and Ephemeral Victorian for brushes used
e{Scrapbook}it for the borders on my ribbon
Christiana Metzingen for a frame template
Please visit these people and leave some loving, without their help these things would not have been possible !!
Download HERE
Vintage Frames 2 - Freebie
These are the second in a set of three Vintage Frames, as stated before, they have been cut from my own ancestors photographs.
Download HERE
Sunday, 9 March 2008
Vintage Frames 1 - Freebie
These are truly Vintage Frames, they were cut from my ancestors photographs, there are two sets more in this series.
Download HERE
Tweety Pie - Freebie
Disney Tweety is a special request by Shelly, if you have any special requests please e-mail me and I will see what I can do !
Enjoy Shelly !!
Credit to Hawksmont and Stephanie (Obsidian Dawn) for the use of their brushes and Thena for the pretty house.
Download HERE
Saturday, 8 March 2008
Boys Hero 3 - Freebie
These are the last in the Boys Hero Papers, they have been so much fun to create, and I have really done some funky things with these last ones, I do hope you like them !!
Download HERE
Fairies Paper 1 - Freebie
I visited a site that was giving a Freebie of some very pretty fairies, I was inspired to make them over into these papers, the designer "Vee" was happy for me to do this, so please visit her blog here, you could maybe pick up the fairies yourself, and check out all the other wonderful Freebies she has.
I also used some flowers, bullrushes and a tree from Thena, she has some amazing graphics and you can visit her website here .
Finally my gorgeous mushrooms are from Nicole Kaltenecker, I think everyone should know Nicole, she is very talented and has some wonderful Freebies visit Nicole here .
Download HERE
Fairy QP - Freebie
A wonderful Fairy QP please see description and links above for credit to the designer of the fairy, frame and the flowers.
Enjoy !!
Download HERE
For all you Garfield fans out there !! Anneli at Attic Treasures has this wonderful Freebie on her blog for you, so hurry on over and colect this great gift !
Friday, 7 March 2008
Boys Hero 2 - Freebie
Part 2 of Boys Hero Spyro, he is such a cute little dragon !!
Download HERE
Plaid Papers 1 - Freebie
Today I have tried something new (for me) plaid, this was such fun to play around with, I do hope you like the results !!
Download HERE
Anneli also has great papers and styles to help you make fantastic layouts go over and have a look - please !!
Check this sample out below !

I started this blog to showcase my layouts, but it quickly turned into a freebie blog, so now my layouts will have their own pride of place !! I have not placed many entries there yet, but if anyone is interested the blog is HERE, when you have nothing to do, please come and have a look !!
Maybe you will get inspired, then again maybe not ! who knows ?
To April !!
My daughter informs me that Scooby Doo IS big in Australia, and this little emu must have had her head in the sand for a while !!! Sorry about that !!!
Thursday, 6 March 2008
Scooby Doo - Freebie
These papers were a special request from April, I do hope she likes them. As I don't know much about Disney Scooby Doo, it was a bit difficult. Scooby doesn't seem to be very big in Australia !!
I have used two city skyline brushes in two of these papers, they were supplied by please visit this site and leave some loving, there are fantastic brushes and they are available as Freebies !!
Download HERE
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Tigger Papers - Freebie
Disney Tigger Papers for all the little tigger lovers out there !!
Download HERE
Mystical Papers 1 - Freebie
I think these papers are quite "Mystical" I was just playing around in PSE and this was the result, very mystical to me !!!
Download HERE
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Tigger QP - Freebie
This is another of my paper layouts that I have converted to digital, my grandson wore this Disney Tigger suit with pride !! it had a growler in the hand so when he clenched his fist, the suite would growl, you can now put your own Tigger loving child's face into the suit. I left my grandson's feet because I thought it would be too hard to put your own child's feet in the correct position !! I'm sure if you really want to, you can delete the feet and put your own in.
Download HERE
Wallaby Boy QP - Freebie
My grandson was given a replica Wallaby T Shirt, so I made a paper layout of him in his new shirt, he was only 2 at the time, now I have converted my old paper layout to a digital one and you can put your own little Wallaby Boy into the frame.
Download HERE
Monday, 3 March 2008
Princess Papers Pack 2 - Freebie
More of the Disney Princess Papers but in different shades, if you would prefer to see something else please send me an e-mail with your request and I will endevour to come up with something that you will like !!
Download HERE
Cricket 2 QP - Freebie
As promised yesterday, here are the Cricket pages without the Australian elements.
Download HERE