I am still learning PSE, and have now started to experiment with brushes, I had no idea you could make such pretty things, with these papers I have used my new knowledge of Gradients and what I am learning about brushes, and these are the results.
Download HERE
I have found some broken links to my Freebies !!
Those that I have found have been repaired, but please people, if you try to download anything that I have put up as a Freebie and can't get it PLEASE let me know so that I can repair it for you, all my Freebies are available indefinitely from the day I started posting to this blog, so there should be nothing that you can't download at any time at all.
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Fun with Brushes 1 - Freebie
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Yellow Brick Road - Freebie
And again, playing with gradients, and discovered a way to make this winding bending pathway in yellow !! Then all I had to do was overlay it with a paving texture, the next thing I know, I'm on the Yellow Brick Road, on my way to the Emerald City. I happened to meet an actress on the pathway, her name is "Lucy" but she does a really good impression of "Toto" don't you think ??
I'm using Scrapdoctor's Grass again, I just love that stuff, I have a million uses for it, and now she has even made a wonderful Rainbow that just happens to complete my pictures !!
You can obtain all these pieces from her website HERE
You should really take the time to check Scrapdoctor's website for her "Yard Sale", it is one of the biggest kits I have seen, and the goodies are so unusual, in an everyday way !!
Download HERE
Baby Pastel Papers 2 - Freebies
These were made after I started playing with my Gradients, they are so much fun !! see my tutorial below, to begin to play with gradients yourself !!
Download HERE
Tutorial Working with Gradients - Freebie
I have just started to learn how to control Gradients, so wrote this Tutorial on one aspect of them, I hope it encourages you to play a bit more with them, they are wonderful tools, when you get control !!
The Gradients I used in this Tutorial are freely available from www.photoshoptreats.com make sure you visit, they have some really great Freebies !!
Download HERE
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
The Fairies Papers - Freebie
My last posting for this evening and my last request fulfilled !! This one was hard because I had never heard of "The Fairies", just as well there is a little person living in my house to set me straight on these matters, anyway, I do hope I have the right fairies ??? I'm sure you'll let me know if not !! maybe you will have to e-mail me with clarification !!
Download HERE
Hi-5 Papers - Freebie
Wow !! I am learning so much about Textures and Gradients, I really enjoy all these requests, because it makes me put my thinking cap on, and try to devise ways of making something different !!
Download HERE
Ice Age Papers - Freebie
Ice Age was a special request, this was great fun to do !! Please let me know if you like them eh ? !!
Download HERE
Basketweave Paper - Freebie
These paper are the results of more of my experimentations with PSE5, hope you like them ! Please let me know if you do or don't !!
Download HERE
Monday, 21 April 2008
The Wiggles - Freebie
Great Australian kids entertainers The Wiggles, loved the world over, these papers were another special request, and I hope that they are enjoyed !! I suppose I must try to do Hi5 next, can't do one great Ozzy troupe without doing the other !!
Download HERE
Light Brown Paper - Freebie
I have been playing around with PSE (I am still a novice at working it) I started with a light brown paper, that had circles that looked like ball bearings on it, these 20 papers are the results, quite pretty really !! the Overlay is a little bonus that I made to go with the papers, from brushes by Hawksmont.com (worth a visit so many superb freebie brushes, CU as well !!).
Download HERE
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Blue Kitchen Floor
Anneli from Attic Treasures has created these beautiful papers for you, they can be recoloured to your liking as she has shown. I think they are fantastic !!!
I really love geometric patterns !!!
You can download them HERE
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Mystical Papers Tutorial - Freebie
I've written my first Tutorial !
It is how to make my mystical papers, I hope you have success with it.
If anyone has any problems with the instructions please e-mail me with the details and I will do all I can to help out !!
You may find that these instructions are more suited to the Intermediate to Advanced User !!
Good Luck !!
Download HERE
Friday, 18 April 2008
Blue Gingham Papers - Freebie
Spring is sprung in the Northern Hemisphere, and here is some nice fresh blue gingham for your spring cleaning pages ? !!
Download HERE
Sesame Street - Freebie
Another outstanding request bites the dust !!! As stated before I am sorry it has taken me so long to meet these requests, but I am doing the very best that I can to meet them !! I do hope you like them and leave me some loving !! We all like to be appreciated !!
Download HERE
Thursday, 17 April 2008
High School Musical - Freebie
I really thought I would never get this one completed, it was a special request and I know you have been waiting a long time for it !! Finally here it is not one on my best but I am satisfied with these papers, hope you like them too !!
Download HERE
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Spring Swirled - Freebie
Digital Anemona has this magnificent kit available as a freebie on her blog, isn't it just beautiful ? !!
I am using the alphabet portion of this kit on a Wedding LO. I wrote to Anemona because I needed numerals for the wedding date and they weren't included in the Alpha Set, they were created within 24 hours of my request !!
You couldn't ask for better service than that, also, considering it is supplied as a freebie, so please check out her work, it is all gorgeous.
UPDATE : 18th April 2008
So sorry ! for those of you who tried to download this freebie, it is no longer available, I was unaware that it was only available for a limited period, my mistake for not reading the blog carefully !!
BUT the Alphabet IS still available !! and it is beautiful, so get it while you can !!!
You can download this kit HERE
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Guitar Hero - Freebie
This is my LO using our new Guitar Hero KitAnneli from Attic Treasures and I have done another collaborative kit "Guitar Hero" for gamers and music lovers of a different genre !!
Anneli has put in a TV and four screenshots from the game. You can choose which one you want on the screen or use it for your own photo's as a frame.
Her husband and son are crazy about playing Guitar Hero and he - the older one - asked if she couldn't make such a kit. What don't we do for our men ?!?
I guess we aren't the only ones who have rock star wannabies photo's to scrap...
and seriously speaking, it sure is a good thing when they play as this leaves the computer to us! LOL
Download Anneli's Embellishments HERE
Download My Papers HERE
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Music - Freebie
Here is a LO of my grandson done with our new kit, he has just been chosen to sing in his school choir at the Sydney Opera House and we are very proud of him.
Anneli from Attic Treasures and I have collaborated on a Music Kit for you !!
I have made the papers and Anneli has done the instruments, this was a really exciting project for me. I'm sure you are going to love it !!
Download both parts HERE
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Sorry I haven't posted any freebies in the last few days people, but I am in the throws of scrapping my family photo's, I can't seem to do both, you can see the fruits of my efforts on my "Showcase", but never fear I will be back very soon with more freebies for you when I have caught up on some of my photo scrapping !!
Just keep your eyes peeled for me on Digiscradepot and Digifree, and you will know when I have started back with my freebies, or even better check back here, when you can, for an update !!
P.S. I would be interested to know what you think of "Friendly" my little red backed spider, he sort of suits my blog, but I have also been finding a few of them around the house lately, so thought I would share them with you LOL :)
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Beijing Olympics 08 - Freebie
It won't be long now before the Olympic Games start in Beijing, how many of you have already made your travel plans ? When you get back you can use these papers for all your wonderful photographs !!
Download HERE
Mystical Papers 5 - Freebie
It seems that you are getting bored with these papers so I promise this will be the last set !!
Download HERE