Karate Girl requested some embellishments for the Taekwondo Papers, as my regulars know embellishments are not really my "thing" but I have had a go for her !! 8 Frames and 10 graphics that you can use to make your own Taekwondo creations with. These graphics are not mine, they were obtained from the web, if they are yours and you want them removed please e-mail me and I will do so immediately !!

Download HERE
Thanks so much for your quick response to my request - I love the elements even if they aren't "your thang".
I didn't know you could do elements too. lol That just may be my next request. You did a good job on this add on. :) :)
Mandy for someone who thinks they aren't your thing, you have done a fantastic job. Well done you !
My kids will love these. You do not see many martial arts scrap items. Thanks for making!
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