I spoke about this QP earlier, and promised that I would let you have it after the 2nd of July. I love the mix of colours that Linda has put into her kit please check her blog for this kit and also an Add-on to it (just click on the underlined link) tirzastreasurescrap.blogspot.com

Download HERE
What do you think of my LO made with this QP ? !!
My son was visiting me and when he saw these birds in the area, he took some bread out onto the front lawn and started feeding them, the next thing I knew, he had them eating out of his hand !! I was simply amazed !! He took these photos for me, while feeding with one hand and pressing the shutter with the other hand. What a versatile man he is !!!!!

Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 02 Jul [LA 02:14am, NY 04:14am, UK 09:14am, OZ 07:14pm]).
Mandy, the QP you made from my kit is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing it here on your blog.
This qp is just fabulous! The colors match up so well, and I love that the birds were in the wild, not a cage or a zoo. Quite a son you have there.
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